How Well Can Yahya Dodge a Non Arabic Word in The Quran? - The "Qittana" Conspiracy

This video came on the back of some revelations by Abu Al Haqq about some scribal errors in the Quran and I had decided to see how some fluent Arabic speakers would respond to what had been revealed. Yahya was actually the second victim for the day, because a previous Muslim did not seem to be interested in talking about the subject, so we decided to see if Yahya would be able to come up with some high quality excuses for this problem that the Quran seemed to have. You would also have thought that Yahya should have had a big advantage over me, because I do not understand the Arabic that I was showing him, but the thing that people need to realise is that Arabic is just a language and it is not magic, so it has to follow the same rules as any other human language.