Long Conversation With The Super Convinced Muslims - Speakers Corner Hyde Park

I had been at Speakers Corner for a while on this day and I had decided to make my way home, but it turned out that I had chosen the wrong exit to leave the park by, because the Super Convinced Muslims were waiting for me near the exit. The ringleader one tried to give me one of those leaflets that is for unsuspecting passers by, but I knew that it did not have anything in it that was worth reading, so I explained to them that I was not into joining a group of people, that did thing like how the Pagan Arabs did do things. You might wonder why I call them the super convinced Muslims and this is because it is obvious from the way that they are mostly just ignoring what I am saying, that they believe that Islam is the best thing in the world and they seem to not be at all concerned about any of the problems with it that I am bringing up. The other thing that I like about them is that they are like Laurel and Hardy, because of the way that they will sometimes seem to be playfighting each other and they love to talk over each other as well.