Christian vs Muslim - God Having a Son Makes More Sense Than Going Around a Cube - Speakers Corner

This recordings footage starts at about 00:03:30, because I had started the audio recorder, but was having a problem with the stream output. In this recording I am speaking to a Muslim about, how to me it makes more sense for God to have a Son, than for people to risk getting crushed while going around a cube, like the Muslims are doing for their god. Muslims like to say that God having a Son does not befit His majesty, but this is just some nonsense that they have made up, because a king who is on earth can have a son and it does befit the earthly kings majesty, so why can the creator of him not also have one as well? The main reason why Muslims have to say this, is because Allah says something similar in the Quran, but to me this then makes him lesser than an earthly king, because how can Allah then say that he has experience of something like this? Allah also says that Muslims should run between two mountains,like Hagar did, but I would have to say that Allah has made a mistake when asking Muslims to do this, because how are the Saudi Arabians supposed to handle things, when the worlds population of Muslims has grown to such a large number? If Allah was a real god, then he would have known this in advance and would have made alternative arrangements so that the increased number of people could be handled, but instead he has just burdened Muslims with a ritual that has come from a god, who seems to have have the understanding of a man. If Allah was a real god, then he would have known not to come up with a ritual that couldn't handle the future and this is why the real God having a Son, makes more sense to me than forcing people to do a flawed ritual. The discussion also included us discussing how Christians believe that Adam was made perfect, while Muslims seem to think that he was not made perfect, because he ended up eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The discussion was then interrupted by a rude sounding old man, who seemed like the kind of person who doesn't have many friends.