Conversation With Muslims About Various Subjects Including The Rudeness of Hatun Being Wrong

This is another conversation that I had with Abbas and Paul Williams, where they were talking to another Christian who they could see was a bit lacking in knowledge when it came to the Bible. We do seem to have this problem at Speakers Corner, where a lot of the less knowledgeable Christians like to go there, but they then get picked on by the Muslims, so that the dawah channels can get some more views. God obviously does not want to have people in his church, who don't seem to take the brain that He has given them seriously, so you have to wonder who it is who is attracting these people into the church. The modern church pastors obviously do not care about how intellectual their members are, because they are mostly only there to supply these pastors with money, while Jesus and the Apostles did not care about how much money their followers did have, because they know that it is their brain that they are going to need, in order to he able to defend themselves from the doctrines of the false teachers.
It took this particular Christian a while to realise that his brain was not up to the task, of defending him against the standard dawah techniques that Paul Williams was using. Also you will notice again that it was Paul Williams who was doing most of the talking, but I wonder if anyone has any idea why he talks so much.