Mufti Abu Layth Sounds More Like a Christian Than a Muslim - Jihadis Not Getting Their Rewards

Mufti has been having a good time over they years with watering down Islam, but it looks as if he is now taking the wrong side of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and is now starting to sound a lot more like a Christian than a Muslim. The two videos that I am commenting on are ones where he has said that the Palestinians should do whatever they can to stop the bloodshed, even if it means leaving the piece of land that they are on, but this seems to be something that the hard line Muslims are firmly against and I was told this in my ears from an old time dawah Muslim who mans an Islamic stand in Croydon High Street. The Muslim even told me that Mufti Abu Layth is worse than an infidel, because he had suggested that the Palestinians should give up the fight with the Israelis and the Muslim even seemed to be looking forward to joining a big battle against the Israelis, to free the land from them when the big Muslim caliphate arrives. With the Saudi Arabian crown prince wanting to do away with 90% of the hadiths, the jihadis are going to have an uphill struggle finding recruits, but it looks like they are not going to give up without a fight, as the Mufti has found out to his cost, when they decided to raid his house because of what he said.
If the Mufti decides to become a Christian, then he will have a much better time criticising things about other believers, because they will not not come and smash up his house and car, but the worst that can happen is that they might shout at him and there will only be a minority of people who would do this.