The Quran Is Not From Allah - Allah Still Forgetting What He Said - Christians vs Muslims

00:02:20 Surah 15:28-35
00:04:37 Surah 38:71-75
00:05:46 Surah 15:32
00:06:55 Surah 38:75
00:09:40 I would have done a better job than Allah, if I had a tape recorder at this event.
00:10:15 The Muslims finally seem to have realised what I am saying.
00:10:25 The Quran was produced by men and not Allah.
00:12:25 This Muslim is in denial.
00:13:55 Adam taking ages to be created.
00:15:50 Arabic for 15:32
00:16:35 Arabic for 38:75
00:17:25 Time for my tape recorder being better than Allah again.
00:19:10 Muslims are very good at trying to make excuses for the Quran.
00:21:00 So mistakes in the Quran makes his faith more stronger?

In this video I am speaking to a Muslim who said that the Quran does not have any contradictions, which is something that the lying Muslim scholars have been saying for years, even though they know that it does. This Muslim was just another one who just believes what these scholars are saying, without bothering to check for himself. The contradiction that I was bringing out, is one that does not seem to be used by other people who bring out the lies of the Muslim scholars, so they did not have any proper counter for what I was saying, but it take a bit if effort to get them to understand the point that I was making. If you watch the video all the way through, you will see that the two Muslims that I am speaking to are of two different kinds, where the younger Muslim was actuality listening to what I was saying, while the older Muslim was just brushing of whatever I was saying, which shows you how some Muslims only believe in Islam, because they want to believe in it, rather than because it is the truth. It also shows how fragile Islam is and how it would be in trouble if most of the Muslims actually used their brains, rather than them being willing to just believe any lie that they are told.