Will vs Usman - How Many Books Are There In The Bible Or The Quran?

00:02:15 Usman covers up his mistake.
00:06:15 Usman seems to have hardly any clue about the history of the Quran.
00:07:25 Sahih al-Bukhari 4977 Verses not belonging in the Quran.
00:08:10 Sahih Muslim 1050 Missing verses in the Quran.
00:12:15 Usman does not care about learning.
00:13:40 Usman would make a very good tape recorder.
00:14:55 Time for Usman to run from someone who can see past his deception.

This is a video of a conversation between Will, who is a non trinitarian and Usman who is a Muslim. As is standard with Usman, he likes to ask his standard questions and he drones on for a long time, so will had to try to control this during this conversation. Usman does not like answering any hard questions about the Quran, but Will was determined to try to get him to answer something about it, but in the end Usman just had to run away, which he tends to do if he knows that you are knowledgable.