"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then ki?? him." Sahih Al Bukhari: No. 6922

0000:01:30 Kill the ones who change their Islamic religion hadith.
04:25 Muslim prophet confirming what should be done to apostates.
00:07:12 Liban has read the hadith, but has no comment.
00:07:33 Lots of hadiths about killing apostates.
00:09:40 Leviticus 21:9 (nothing to do with apostates)
00:09:48 What islamqa.info has to say about apostates.

This video is another part of the long conversation that we had with Liban the Muslim and this time we were speaking about what happens in Islam, to a person who decides to stop being a Muslim. The fake Muslims like to say that there is no problem with this, but the reality is written in the Islamic hadiths, so I had Liban look up one of the classic ones, but he decided not to comment on it, which shows that some Muslims do not like certain parts of their belief. Christians obviously do not have this kind of a problem, because we are ordered to love our enemies, so there is no chance of us having an excuse to murder anyone, unlike the poor old non fake Muslims.:01:30 Kill the ones who change their Islamic religion hadith.