Ash The Israelite vs A Muslim At Speakers Corner About Various Subjects

00:01:15 Job 4:12-19
00:07:05 Luke 24:49-51
00:09:45 Sunan an-Nasa'i 2919 Pagan black stone erases sins.
00:14:05  Surah 41 , Verse: 9
00:15:00  Surah 7 , Verse: 54
00:15:30 Bring your best Muslims.

This is just a short video where Ash is speaking to a Muslim about a few different subjects and they are not really having a deep conversation, but the points that Ash is coming out with are obviously causing problems for the Muslim, so it is worth listening to just for that. The sound is not the best, but Ash's voice is easy to hear.