Allah Fixes Muslims Like They Are Broken Robots, While Our God Gets Us To Fix Ourselves

This is a conversation that I had with Yahya, before he went to waste some time speaking to Bob the builder, about if Allah is going to fix the Muslims before they get into paradise. The gist of it seems to be that Allah will just fix them, like how you would fix a badly behaving robot, by just making a change inside them, rather than getting them to change their behaviour, before the enter paradise, like how God is going to properly do it in the Bible. This is one thing that shows how Islam is a scam, because the Islamic scholars convince the Muslims that it is ok for Muslims to be mean to the unbelievers and even lie to them if it helps the Islamic cause, almost as if they know that this is the only way for Islam to grow, because of how fanatical the mean people can be. Also because Islam is man made, they obviously want their followers to get an advantage over the unbelievers in this life, because they know that a fake god cannot defend those followers, so they have to tell them to fight, while a real God can defend His followers, so they do not need to fight for Him.